BREAKING NEWS: UK votes to leave the EU by 54%

Sunday 26 June 2016

Is this the end of the UK and the EU?

The EU Referendum has happened, England & Wales has voted to leave the European Union, but Northern Ireland and Scotland voted to stay in the EU. After the news broke out all over the world David Cameron spoke out, he has decided to exit his role as Prime Minister and that someone from the Brexit team (and from the Conservative party should run). Then after this Nicola Sturgon (the first minister of Scotland) spoke out saying that there must be a referendum about whether Scotland should join the EU and leave the UK. Northern Ireland thought the same. Just today EU's president Donald Tusk said that the UK'S exit needs to be quick. After the success of Brexit, other EU members are considering. 54% in France want to leave (so Fexit) etc. 

The EU News is still going, check out Google News for more.

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